"In January 2023, the Indiana Supreme Court's Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure introduced a proposed amendment to the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure. Specifically, the proposed amendment to Rule 74(b) states that 'Recording through shorthand or stenography is prohibited."
"Furthermore, the Indiana Supreme Court has also noted that: 'The proposed amendment to Trial Rule 74 would require all courts (including city and town courts) to record hearings in all case types, prohibit recording through shorthand or stenography, and delete provisions covered in other rules or statutes.'"
- Jocelynn Moore, Director of Government Relations, National Court Reporters Association
This is frightening news for court reporters everywhere!
We must be vigilant in addressing issues that threaten our profession.
In November 2022, Special Counsel Sydney Gangestad and Tim Coonan, of the Dentons Davis Brown law firm in Des Moines, IA, were hired as the Iowa Certified Shorthand Reporters Association's lobbyists to represent our interests at the Iowa Legislature. They are instrumental in working on behalf of all court reporters -- official reporters, freelance reporters and
captioners -- to make sure our profession is protected and that legislators understand what a vital role we play in the judiciary. They invite you to contact them with any questions or concerns.